Rachel Dill


St Albans, Harpenden & surrounding areas

Phone Number

07799 1407 99


I offer Magic Link classes in St Albans (AL1) on Monday at 3:30-5:45pm and Saturdays at 11am-2pm.

I also offer classes in central Harpenden (AL5) on Wednesdays at 3:30-5:45pm. 

Please fill in my contact form and attach a sample of handwriting and I will be in touch.

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    More Information About Rachel Dill

    BA (QTS) Teaching Studies with English Language and Linguistics

    Since qualifying as a primary school teacher in 2001, I have taught in a variety of schools in Hertfordshire, London, Dubai and Australia. I have worked as a class teacher in every year group across the primary phase, from EYFS to Year 6 and have held leadership roles including Deputy Head and Acting Headteacher.

    I have a passion for teaching handwriting as it can make such a difference to a student’s confidence both in and out of school. I approach all lessons with a positive enthusiasm and have high expectations for my students which I achieve with a kind and consistent approach.

    I am a married with two primary aged children and I hold an enhanced DBS.