Deliwe Elliott



Phone Number

Tel: 020 8771 7939 Mobile: 07896 238 127


Availability on Mondays and Tuesdays 4-7pm.

I offer intensive courses during school holidays: Easter, Summer and half terms.

Please fill in my contact form and attach a sample of handwriting and I will be in touch.

Intensive handwriting course

Review    5 star review

Enrol with Teacher

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    More Information About Deliwe Elliott

    BSc(Hons), PGCE, OCR Dip(SpLD), NASENCO

    I am a qualified teacher, SENCO and specialist dyslexia teacher with over 10 years of experience working with children with special educational needs.

    I have a passion for helping children realise and achieve their potential. Confidence is key in supporting learners and handwriting plays a large part in this. I believe Magic Link can help restore your child’s confidence as a learner across all areas of the curriculum.